Gaggia Anima Prestige: Froth Milk Better

Learn what to do if you're having difficulty frothing or steaming with the milk carafe, getting no milk from the carafe, or if the carafe is spitting or not producing foam on your Gaggia Anima Prestige.

Difficulty Frothing

Carafe Frothing Issues

If there is nothing coming out of the carafe at all

  • Check the carafe to make sure it is securely attached to the machine and that the machine recognizes the carafe is in place.
  • Make sure the carafe is properly assembled and the manual cleanings have been completed. Refer to pp. 15-16 of this machine’s user manual PDF for instructions on how to clean the carafe and properly reassemble it. Inspect the parts to make sure none of them appear broken, damaged, or missing.
  • The machine may not be producing steam. If the machine is displaying an E15 or steam thermostat error then the steam thermostat is broken and the machine will require a repair.

If the carafe is spitting or not producing foam

  • A non-compatible milk is being used. The machine is designed for use with whole or 2% milk, so the best results will be achieved by using these milks.
  • Make sure the carafe is properly assembled. Refer to page 20 - 21 of this machine’s user manual PDF for instructions on how to clean the carafe and properly reassemble it.
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