Bezzera Unica: Water Flow Issues

Learn what to do when getting no flow at all from a Bezzera Unica espresso machine.

  1. If the pump does not sound like it is activating:
    • Check to make sure the water tank is filled, and the machine isn't indicating that the water tank is empty.
      • If the tank is empty, refill it.
      • If the tank is full, but the machine thinks the water tank is empty, then the tank may not be seated correctly. Make sure there isn't anything blocking the tank from sitting flush inside the machine.
    • Remove the cover of the machine, and check for any loose or disconnected wires.
    • Make sure there aren't any kinked or pinched hoses.
    • There may be an issue with the water tank sensor. Remove the cover of the machine and check the wiring to the sensor to make sure it is connected and in good condition.
    • There may be an issue with the pump powering on. Check to make sure there are no loose or disconnected wires on the pump.
  2. If the pump does sound like it is activating:
    • Check the water tank to make sure it is filled and that both the inlet line and the return lines are inserted into the tank. Make sure the inlet line in particular is below the surface of the water.
    • If you are using the water softener on the inlet line, try removing it and see if water can flow through the machine.
    • Open up the machine. Make sure there aren't any kinked or pinched hoses anywhere.
    • There may be a stuck valve inside the machine. The machine may need to be professionally repaired.
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