Drink Recipes and Ratios

Learn how to make coffee and milk-based drinks such as an espresso, latte, americano, cappuccino, macchiato, and more. Includes a suggested basic recipe and ingredient ratio for each drink to help you get started, as well as additional fun recipe ideas. Experimentation is encouraged!

Affogato | Americano | Caffè Mocha | Cappuccino | Cortado | Espresso | Espresso Doppio | Espresso Lungo | Flat White | Latte | Latte Macchiato | Long Black 

How do I Make an Affogato?

  1. Place a 3 oz scoop of ice cream into a cup.
  2. Pull a double shot (2 oz) of espresso into the cup containing the ice cream.
    • To pull a double shot of espresso, add 15 grams of finely ground coffee to your portafilter.
      • Brewing time should be 20-30 seconds.


Affogato Recipe Ideas

How do I Make an Americano?

  1. Pull a double shot (2 oz) of espresso.
    • To pull a double shot of espresso, add 15 grams of finely ground coffee to your portafilter.
      • Brewing time should be 20-30 seconds.
  2. Pour 4 oz of hot water over the espresso.


How do I Make a Caffè Mocha?

  1. Pull a double shot (2 oz) of espresso.
    • To pull a double shot of espresso, add 15 grams of finely ground coffee to your portafilter.
      • Brewing time should be 20-30 seconds.
  2. Stir in 2 oz of hot chocolate.
  3. Top with 2 oz of half & half or steamed milk.


Mocha Recipe Ideas

How do I Make a Cappuccino?

  1. Pull a double shot (2 oz) of espresso.
    • To pull a double shot of espresso, add 15 grams of finely ground coffee to your portafilter.
      • Brewing time should be 20-30 seconds.
  2. Steam 2 oz of steamed milk and 2 oz frothed milk.
  3. Pour 2 oz of steamed milk into the cup containing the espresso.
  4. Top with foamed milk.


Cappuccino Recipe Ideas

How do I Make a Cortado?

  1. Pull a double shot (2 oz) of espresso.
    • To pull a double shot of espresso, add 15 grams of finely ground coffee to your portafilter.
      • Brewing time should be 20-30 seconds.
  2. Froth 1 oz of lightly textured milk into 2 oz of foamed milk.
  3. Pour foamed milk on top of espresso.


How do I Make an Espresso?

  1. To pull a single shot (1 oz) of espresso, add 6-8 grams of finely ground coffee to your portafilter.
    • Brewing time should be 20-30 seconds.


Espresso Recipe Ideas

How do I Make an Espresso Doppio?

  1. To pull a double shot (2 oz) of espresso, add 15 grams of finely ground coffee to your portafilter.
    • Brewing time should be 20-30 seconds.


How do I Make an Espresso Lungo?

  1. Extend the extraction time on your espresso machine to 35 seconds and pull a double shot of espresso.
    • This should result in 3 oz of less concentrated espresso.


How do I Make a Flat White?

  1. Pull a double shot (2 oz) of espresso.
    • To pull a double shot of espresso, add 15 grams of finely ground coffee to your portafilter.
      • Brewing time should be 20-30 seconds.
  2. Froth 4 oz of steamed milk.
  3. Combine the espresso and steamed milk.


How do I Make a Latte?

  1. Pull a double shot (2 oz) of espresso.
    • To pull a double shot of espresso, add 15 grams of finely ground coffee to your portafilter.
      • Brewing time should be 20-30 seconds.
  2. Froth 10 oz of steamed milk and .05 oz of milk foam.
  3. Pour the steamed milk into the cup containing the espresso.
  4. Top with the milk foam.


Latte Recipe Ideas

How do I Make a Latte Macchiato?

  1. Prepare 2 oz a piece of both steamed milk and milk foam, similar to a cappuccino.
  2. Pour into a clear glass.
  3. Brew a double shot (2 oz) directly into the milk for a beautiful layering of coffee and milk.
    • To pull a double shot of espresso, add 15 grams of finely ground coffee to your portafilter.
      • Brewing time should be 20-30 seconds.


How do I Make a Long Black?

  1. Pour 4 oz of hot water into a cup.
  2. Pull a double shot of espresso (2 oz) into the cup containing the hot water.
    • To pull a double shot of espresso, add 15 grams of finely ground coffee to your portafilter.
      • Brewing time should be 20-30 seconds.



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